Tuan-Anh Tran

Some lessons learnt after converting a native module to WebAssembly

Posted on May 22, 2019  •  2 minutes  • 301 words

I released my first WebAssembly module here on GitHub . Here are some lessons I learnt during the process. Please don’t take it for granted. These things might be true, or not. I’m not sure. I just worked on it for the last few days.

Cache WebAssembly instance to save some time on initialization

const Module = require('yourmodule')

const mod = Module()
const resolveCache = new Map()

mod.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
    resolveCache.set(resolvePath, mod)
    // mod.your_method()

Size of WebAssembly files matter

I accidentally publish an alpha build with iostream imported (I was debugging in C++ with std::cout !!!!), which result in {.js,.wasm} files significantly bigger. Bigger files mean longer time to download and compile.

A small fix to remove #include <iostream> increases performance of camaro (wasm) from ~200 ops/second to ~260 ops/second. Still far from the the old camaro performance (~800 ops/second) but it’s a start.

To me, WebAssembly is a huge win. The performance hit is still big but I think it’s just me doing something wrong haha. It’s my first WebAssembly module so there’s a lot to learn from here. Aside from that, camaro (wasm) is a big improvement in this version such as:

I still don’t know how to return arbitrary shape object from C++ to JS land

I still don’t know how to do this. For native module, it’s easier with node-addon-api. I’m still trying to figure this out.

This make camaro slows down a bit because I stringify the JSON object in C++ and parse again in JavaScript (😱 horrifying, I know!)


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