Tuan-Anh Tran

↗️ Setting up fluentd log forwarding from Kubernetes to AWS Cloudwatch Logs

Posted on December 27, 2016  •  1 minutes  • 75 words

Fluentd Docker image to send Kuberntes logs to CloudWatch

Very easy to setup. Good option for centralized logging if all of your infrastructures are already in AWS.

echo -n "accesskeyhere" > aws_access_key
echo -n "secretkeyhere" > aws_secret_key
kubectl create secret --namespace=kube-system generic fluentd-secrets --from-file=aws_access_key --from-file=aws_secret_key
kubectl apply -f fluentd-cloudwatch-daemonset.yaml

On a side note, I think i will need to move fluend configuration file to secret as I just want to collect logs from certain namespace/filter.

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