Tuan-Anh Tran

Make your jekyll blog a little bit more SEO-friendly

Posted on August 7, 2014  •  1 minutes  • 129 words

Content is the king but making the site a bit more SEO-friendly (or should I say Google-friendly?) doesn’t hurt.

Load speed

Relevant link: Optimize the hell out of your website for PageSpeed .


Help Google’s bots crawl your site better. jekyll provides it as a plugin.

Structure data markup

Use Google’s structure data markup helper to generate structure data markup code. Use [structure data testing tool](Structured Data Testing Tool) to verify it afterward.


Google recently announced that they are taking HTTPS as a ranking signal . StartSSL offers free SSL that is included in root SSL of most major browers. CloudFlare is also going to offer free-SSL to all customers (mid-October). I’m going to wait for CloudFlare a bit since I’m already using CloudFlare for this blog.

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